Refunds & Returns Policy

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

The Warm Company is pleased to stand behind all Warm products with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.  If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with the Warm product you’ve purchased, we will replace it or refund your money.  We will pick up the Warm product on The Warm Company’s FedEx account.  The refund will include the original cost of shipping the Warm product to you and will be refunded using the original payment method.


Shipping costs are the responsibility of the purchaser.  We are happy to ship via your carrier on your account.  We also ship prepaid and billed via FedEx.  The Warm Company uses FedEx exclusively and we’ve negotiated substantially discounted rates.  These discounts are passed down to you.

If your Warm product arrives with the box damaged, please refuse the delivery and let us know.  If it is left in bad condition, please notify us at (800) 234-9276 or email us below and we’ll take care of it.

Call us – We’re ready to help (800) 234-9276!  We’re available Monday through Friday 7:30am – 4:00pm Pacific Time for all that is Warm!  Or send us your question below.  We will get back to you within one business day.  We appreciate your continued support of The Warm Company.